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Eye Cosmetics damaging the eye

Cosmetics going to become daily need of modern human. We must know the truth related to it.

Cosmetics are substances used to enhance the appearance or odor of the human body. Cosmetics include skin-care creams,lotions,, fingernail and toe and facial makeup, permanent waves, hair sprays and gels, baby products, bath oils, and many other types of products. A subset of cosmetics is called "make-up," which refers primarily to colored products intended to alter the user’s appearance. Many manufacturers distinguish between decorative cosmetics and care cosmetics.

Allergic reaction:

Any of the ingredients of an eye cosmetic can cause an allergic reaction. This can manifest as redness, itching, tearing, burning or stinging in the eyes or a watery discharge from them.

  • Before you use an eye cosmetic for the first time, check the list of ingredients provided on its packaging to ensure that only those proven to be safe have been used.
  • If, however, any symptoms of an allergic reaction appear in spite of this, stop using the product immediately. If the allergy persists, consult a doctor. Such an allergic reaction is usually temporary and resolves on its own, once the use of the cosmetic is discontinued.


Poisoning can occur due to the presence of heavy metals in some cosmetics. Kohl, also known as surma or kajal, is known to contain heavy metals such as lead that are poisonous.

  • Check the ingredients of the product before you use it to make sure that no heavy metals have been used in its manufacture.
  • Avoid using kohl completely if any allergy persists.


Infections can occur due to contamination of the eye cosmetic with bacteria or fungus, or due to unhygienic use.

Always apply cosmetics on the eyes with clean hands; otherwise the microbes on your hands can cause infections.

  • Keep all cosmetics applicators, as well as the containers in which the cosmetics are stored, clean and dust-free.
  • Do not apply cosmetics used by others and do not use the testers provided in shops that allow you to try the product before purchase, as these have been used by many people before you and can therefore be a source of infections.
  • Do not use a cosmetic past its expiry date.
  • Do not add water or saliva to any cosmetic if it has dried up as this could introduce bacteria or fungus into the cosmetic and also dilute the preservative that is supposed to prevent microbial growth in the cosmetic.
  • Always store cosmetics at a temperature below 30ºC, as the preservatives in these products are prone to deterioration above this temperature.
  • Avoid using eye cosmetics when you are already suffering from an eye infection. Also, discard the eye cosmetics that you were using when the infection set in, as there are chances of the cosmetics having become contaminated even though the infection may not have been caused by the cosmetics.
  • Do not use cosmetics not intended for the eye on that area. For example, do not use lip color anywhere on the eyes as this may spread bacteria from your mouth to your eyes, and expose your eyes to damage from additives that are not suited for use on the eyes.

Damage by applicators:

Cosmetic applicators can cause physical damage if not used properly.

  • While applying eye cosmetics or cleaning your eyes after having used them, be careful not to hurt any part of the eye.
  • Never apply or remove eye cosmetics while traveling as your hands may not be steady and this can result in damage to some sensitive portion of your eyes.

Risk from permanent dyes:

Permanent dye, used to color the eyebrows and eye lashes, may cause serious and irreversible damage such as blindness if it comes in direct contact with the eyes. This is because the color additives that are used in permanent dyes are not similar to the temporary coloring agents used in other eye cosmetics such as mascara, eyeliners and eye shadows and there are none that have been approved for use.

The only way to avoid the danger from this kind of product is to avoid its use completely.


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