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Backache Backache


Back pain is the pain that originates from spine, nerves, muscles or any other structures in the back region.

Common Causes of Low Back Pain

Postural Due to

  • Faulty standing habits.
  • Faulty sitting habits.
  • Faulty working habits.
  • Faulty work environment.


  • Acute as in lifting heavy weight.
  • Chronic as in repetitive bending forward and working.

Degeneration of

  • Disc, causing disc prolapse ( Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc )
  • Apophyseal joints, causing spondylosis

Birth Abnormalities

  • Like Spondylolysis


  • As in Ankylosing spondylitis


  • Like Tuberculosis


  • Of Calcium


Sign and symptoms

There are different types of back pain. Localized pain is the pain realized on pressure. Diffused pain starts from deep tissue and it spreads to larger area. Radicular pain is due to injury to a nerve root. Referred pain is due to inflammation at some other site in the body. If there is weakness, no bladder control, fever or weight loss then back pain is a serious issue.

Tests and tools

It is difficult to diagnose back pain. Detailed history about the nature of the pain, its site, characteristics, onset, positions and activities which relieve or aggravate the pain is taken. In case of radiating pain history of other illnesses is also taken like diabetes, kidney stones, heart murmur, urinary tract infections, peptic ulcer, etc. Normally physical examination is done followed by X-ray. If necessary the doctor may ask for mylogram, CT (Computerized tomography) scan or MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) of the lower back.



Most of the back aches get cured of their own. Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs are generally prescribed for acute back pain. For chronic back pain physiotherapy, modifications in occupational or life style along with medications.

Life style modifications include appropriate sitting posture, avoiding smoking or alcohol is recommended. The medications are non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs. Massage, use of heat treatments, fitness and flexibility workout are included in physiotherapy. In case of disc herniation surgery is required. If back pain along with leg involvement is not cured by medications, surgery is the option.

Sleeping in bowed position, on the sides and have right angle at the knees helps inn relieving back pain.

Expectations (Prognosis)

Most of cases of back pain are not serious and the pain subsides by pain killers. Almost 80 percent patients with back pain get recovered in 4-6 weeks. Regular exercise and maintaining overall health can prevent back pain occurring again in future.


Sometimes there is an injury to nerve roots in the back, in such situations there may be pain or functional disability to that particular organ.

For further information:

Related Topics: Follow the rules of postures to avoid backache
  Stress gifts backache
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