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Pregnancy Skin Care Pregnancy can snatch your skin charm

Reviewed by
Dr. Bhoomika Chauhan

Lots of hormone turnover during the pregnancy can change your outermost body cover skin.

Skin changes during pregnancy


Noticed any brownish or yellowish patches of skin on your face? This skin condition presents as a darkening around the eyes, forehead, bridge of nose and cheeks. What you're seeing in the mirror is the so-called "mask of pregnancy" (chloasma). Chloasma is caused by the effects of the pregnancy hormones progesterone and estrogen on the melanin cells in the skin. If you're prone to chloasma, you can minimize its effects by avoiding intense sunlight. The pigmentation will start to disappear after you give birth and your hormone levels begin to return to their pre-pregnancy levels.



Many women find that their faces break out more after they become pregnant. Try to keep your face as clean as possible using a mild cleanser. If you need to visit a dermatologist, make sure you inform her that you are pregnant. Mild oatmeal-based facial scrubs are your best bet for unplugging oily pores. You'll want to steer clear of abrasive scrubs or exfoliants because your skin is extra sensitive during pregnancy.


Increased pigmentation

Expect the areola (the flat area around your nipple) and the nipple of your breasts to darken during pregnancy and to remain a little darker even after you give birth. Your freckles and moles may also become darker and some new moles may appear while you're pregnant.

Increased pigmentation

Stretch marks

According to the studies, more than 90 percent of women develop stretch marks during the sixth and seventh months of pregnancy. Stretch marks are caused by the stretching of the underlying layers of skin during pregnancy and typically show up as pink or purplish streaks on the abdomen and -- in some cases -- the breasts and the thighs. Fortunately, they tend to fade to silver over time, something that makes them a whole lot less noticeable.

Stretch marks

Linea nigra

You may find that you have developed a faint brown line from your navel to your pubic bone. This is also due to hormonal changes and will "crumble off" as the top layers of skin cells are shed a few weeks after delivery.

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